About Us

  • Ite-Consult is an innovative company, established in 2009, specializing in planning and simulation tools as well as Supply Chain Management solutions. We empower businesses to transform their approach to planning, forecasting, and strategic decision-making.

    With extensive expertise in planning and optimizations, we’ve developed advanced demand and supply planning solutions that provide a seamless, user-friendly experience for both demand planners and supply planners.

    We also develop Simulation models, to be integrated with planning tools, logistics and strategic Analysis

    Our solutions offer fast time to value, all designed to enhance operational efficiency and facilitate data-driven business decisions.

    You can find more details on our ADAPLAN solution at SAP Store.

Why choose Us

Cloud management platforms for performance and sustainability

Why choose Us

 Network supply systems to increase profit and opportunities

Why choose Us

Use of digital twins and optimization algorithms to build plans and drive actionable decisions

Why choose Us

Cost-effective Labor Empowerment | Continuous User training and on-going support with Process improvement

Our planning solutions cover the entire S&OP cycle oriented to SME companies!

  • We combine technologies for the excellence of the performance of our solutions!
  • We use SAP Analytics Cloud integrated with What -if scenarios, Anylogic, and optimization features, Gurobi.
  • As experts in these three tools, combined with process expertise, we are able to build the solution you need, if our preconfigured solutions do not fit your needs
  • Owners of a solution for the Sales and Operations planning process, using very high tech, we provide a friendly experience for demand and supply planners. Accurate planning process and straight forward solutions build the gold standard of our flagship proposal.
  • Our planning solutions cover the entire S&Op cycle, oriented to medium size companies.

Cloud management platforms for sustainability and performance. Green commitment!
Non-linear systems, Network Supply Chain systems to increase profit and opportunities. 

Use of digital twins and optimization algorithms to build the plan you need! 

Integrate planners in strategic decisions with “what-if scenarios” analysis
Business user more involved in daily supply planning decisions with KPI´s and deeper insights

ITE CONSULT company started in 2005 as a group of consultants.

We are a business intelligence company focused in Planning solutions and Strategic decisions tools. We have more than 15 years of experience in managing and optimizing companies workflows.

We’ve started implementing BI solutions developed with Arcplan and SAP. Since then, we have stayed true to our commitment of developing the best Planning tools and KPI’s indicators dashboards.

Along the way, recognizing the need to incorporate simulation and optimization into our business solutions, we moved deeper into Analytics. In 2007 we included simulation and optimization expertise in our team. Therefore, Anylogic and Gurobi were the tool of our choice. After more than 15 years of staying faithful to quality delivered solutions, we can proudly show all our implementations worldwide.

If you are looking to go deeper into your data and accomplish new goals, do not hesitate in calling us for a free first consult. We will let you know if we can help take your business to the next level. Above all, we believe in crafting each project as a unique one. Because there are not two companies alike. Will meet your needs, on time and within budget. It’s what we do, it’s who we are. We are able to manage the use of our resources to fit into budget, so do not hesitate in contact us!

  • Passion
  • Efficiency
  • Commitment
  • Team Work
  • Clarity
  • Seniority


We deliver cloud planning solutions and support decision tools merging planning, forecasting, simulation & optimization features. We provides powerful, fast solutions that enable what-if scenarios on the fly. We believe that time is an issue, our cloud planning solutions are up and running in three months. Market changes need to quickly translate into process reality.

What we Believe in!

PLANNING SMARTER… SEEING MORE | UNDERSTANDING MORE | will Increase Knowledge and Improve Decisions!



  • Provide the best End-to-End Collaborative Planning  cloud solutions to support management decisions, for a highly challenging and demanding business world.
  • Plan smart as a key factor for success. Our Advanced planning solutions with simulation and optimization capabilities, integrated with master data governance holds all what you need for a successful and flexible planning cycle
  • A continuous support of our solutions.

Top 5 reasons for a Managed Cloud Solution

Managed cloud environments are ready to use, avoiding cost and delays associated with buying and installing hardware and networks. The repeatable platform and solution results in a streamlined implementation, rather than the traditional extended project timeline to accommodate

  • Lower total Cost

    30% lower total cost of Ownership (TCO) over on-premise

  • Scalable

    Scalable and Flexible Solution

  • SAP

    Proven SAP solutions at lower cost

  • Implementation time

    90% improvement in implementation time

  • One Contract

    One contract from OpEx budget

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